Monday, 5 December 2011

Charter Schools

Act got very lucky with their deal with the Nats. Charter Schools or Free schools as they are called in the UK.

And now the Unions are un-happy. How sad they are thinking of their members rather than themselves. Still that is their job. I heard somewhere that more teachers are removed by the police, than fired by their principal.

We must have competition in schools, if the state school model is so great, then the charter schools will fail. But I fear that they will fail because the Unions will demand that Labour kills them off when they get back in.

The unions claim that they take funding from the state schools. Well that is the idea,  how else do you you pay for them.

Cancel the trial and open as many as possible before the teacher unions get back in to kill them.

That said the fine print will be important.

A charter school must;

  • A non discriminatory enrolment policy. I could easily see a charter school put in fine print saying that they are for high achieving students (i.e. rich kids only), or give preference to children of previous parents.
  • Respect the religion of the students. I have watched how the church schools in Ireland have forced parents to send their kids there because there are no other schools around. 
  • National Standards or another good assessment criteria 
  • A requirement to admit a student if there is no local school around. I do not want a kid locked out of a school or mum and dad turning up at 1 am in the morning to guarantee their daughter a place.

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