Tuesday, 22 November 2011

I'm voting for MMP and STV as the best alternative

On election day I will vote to keep MMP.

I know it may bring in Winston, I know it brings in minor parties but I want a fair system. Every vote should count. Under FFP if you do not vote for the two highest vote getters your vote did not count, worse it may mean that your second choice candidate may not win either. I know people like a conclusive result and stable government, but we have gotten this from MMP as well. No government yet has lost a supply and confidence vote.

Why STV over the other options, because FFP is bad (see above), PV is better than FFP but still is suspect to gerrymandering, and love my seat itis. It is also not proportional. SM is better than PV but the problem is that 75% of the seats in parliamentary are for electorate MP's. It hands power to the big parties and the FFP style of voting for the electorate seats is wrong. I may feel different if it were 75% list seats.

* It is proportional (very important)
* Every vote counts.
* Personal Mandate for all MP's
* Local MP is National and Labour and somebody else.
But STV means there is serious pork barrel politics, and it is not as proportional as MMP.

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