Tuesday, 29 November 2011

What now for the Blues?

Despite everything National only just won the election on the weekend. They only got 60 seats and require 5 from the other three parties to govern. They are also facing problems in 2014 as who to go with. Act will only ever go with National so we know that so long as Act stay in the house they will vote for the Boys in Blue. The Centre is held by the man we will not name so what should the Blues do?

1) Give the Act/United/Maori parties more media and more success. They need to get party vote so that they will do deals with National. Especially for United and Maori who will do deals with National and will bring across voters who may otherwise voted for the man we will not name. 
2) Invite the Conservatives to a cup of tea. If they had won Rodney they would have brought in a few MPs. They would have acted as a vote stealer from the Reds and also brought across votes from the man we will not name. 
3) Do not let your guard down, Labour will be back and they must be kept under control.
4) Keep refreshing the party. Do not get left with far to many MPs who have been there far to long. In Singapore the PAP select people who are already successful and thus are not in power for the money (unless they are in Cabinet). PAP MPs are people who can pay their own way and thus are not relying on the job as an MP as a job for life. 
5) John should step down well before his use by date (sometime after 2017 and before late 2020), and around the time of his best by date. This will be good for the party and good for him. It will give his successor time to run up to the next election, and he gets to go out on a high. I well recall what occurred to Finna Fail in Ireland when they did not re-new. 
5b) Have 25% new faces in Cabinet. Ministers must perform, sack the worst. A Job as a cabinet minister is not a job for life.
6) Stay in the centre right. Selling assets are right wing policies the result they got this time will not occur again until they have thrown the Labour party out of power again. They must avoid hacking of the floating voters. They must continue to work the policy of doing all major policies with an election mandate. 
7) Do not do anything stupid. Best way of losing the next election. Best way of scaring people into voting for the Red people. 

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